Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Submission of Prince Dipo Negoro to General De Kock

Title: The Submission of Prince Dipo Negoro to General De Kock
Year: 1830
Artist: Nicolaas Pieneman
Technique: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 77 x 100 cm
Object number: SK-A-2238

Rijksmuseum, The Masterpieces and Infocentre
(The New Rijksmuseum)
Jan Luijkenstraat 1, 1071 CJ Amsterdam

General Baron de Kock resolutely points to the carriage standing ready, while his adjutant, Major de Stuers, watches determinedly. The Javanese prince, Dipo Negoro, descends the steps and looks out over the gathered crowd. In a show of extreme devotion, two figures kneel at his feet. On the ground, in token of the surrender, lie a number of spears belonging to Dipo Negoro's followers. This is all taking place at the residence in Magelang on Java. It is 28 March 1830. After a three-hour long interview with the General, Prince Dipo Negoro was arrested. This was against the agreement: he was to have been released. Dipo Negoro was forced into exile. This was the formal end of the interminable Java War.

The Java War:
Prince Dipo Negoro and Baron de Kock fought on opposite sides in the Java War, waged from 1825 to 1830. The war had erupted in the struggle for succession to the throne of Yokyakarta, an area of Java ruled by local princes. Vague promises to Dipo Negoro, that he would be the old sultan's successor, were not met by the Dutch. In response the prince unleashed a revolt that found support among large sections of the population. The war cost the lives of some 200,000 Javanese and 15,000 Dutchmen.

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